DRARA Open Gardens - this Sunday 12th June!
'We are Divinity Road' - Artweeks 2022
Overwhelming support for a trial LTN
Street-level Zoom meetings: more opportunities to explore and discuss our community LTN
First Monday with DRARA launches!
Building a Low Traffic Neighbourhood: invitation to a community meeting
DRARA plans to Light Up Lockdown!
DRARA Pumpkin Window Trail!
DRARA Open Gardens - this year it's going on-line!
DRARA Charity Quiz Night returns! Thursday January 30th, Richard Benson Hall
Living Advent - lighting up the DRARA neighbourhood!
DRARA Annual General Meeting - this Wednesday 16th October 2019
Warneford Meadow Apple Day - a magical autumn wonderland!
Film in the Street - this Saturday 21st September!
Welcome to our new DRARA website!