DRARA is a residents' association for people living in Divinity Road, Stone Street, Bartlemas Road, Southfield Road, Minster Road, Warneford Road and Hill Top Road, plus the stretch of Cowley Road between Divinity Road and Bartlemas Hamlet, including the Hamlet itself. There's a map of the area here.
DRARA was set up over 20 years ago to protect and promote the interests of local residents and encourage people to believe they can make a difference to their community.
DRARA is regularly consulted on local planning, environmental and traffic issues and aims to represent the views and opinions of its members.
It organises outdoor social events throughout the year which members can enjoy and take part in.
We are always pleased to welcome new members - click here for more information about joining us.
DRARA is run by a committee made up of local residents who are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year.
The association adopted its constitution at the October 2012 AGM. Copies of reports and minutes from past AGMs can be found here.
New committee members are always welcome, and there are many other ways to participate on a less regular basis, so please get in touch if you'd like to know more.
Each committee member takes responsibility for a different aspect of DRARA's work.
You can send a message to the Chair or to any of the committee here.

Alison Williams
DRARA Treasurer

Jane Bingham
DRARA Newsletter Editor

Lydia Matthews
Committee member for licensing

Karen Metcalfe
Committee member for university liaison